HTML Elements

 HTML Elements

In the first lesson we have studied about tags and things like start tag (opening tag) and end tag (closing tag).
An HTML element is usually composed of a "Start Tag","Element Content" and an "End tag".


<p> This is an element content </p>


            This is an element content 

The example HTML Element  above is composed of the following:
            1.start tag: <p>
            2.element content: This is an element contetnt.
            3.end tag: </p>


<p> Learning HTML Elements </p>


            Learning HTML Elements 

The example HTML Element  above is composed of the following:

           1.start tag: <p>
           2.element content: Learning HTML Elements
           3.end tag: </p>

Nested HTML Elements

There are some cases thet an HTML element can contain one or more HTML elements.

For you to better understand it look at the example code below:


<p><i> Italicized text </i></p>


            Italicized text

The example nested HTML elements above are composed of the following:
            1.Start tag: <p>
            2.Start tag: <i>
            3.Element content: Italicized text
            4.End tag: </i>
            5.End tag: </p>

Our the example above, there are two start tags and two end tags

The second tag i.e <i> italicized the txt within

Empty Elements

Empty Elements are elements that do not have an element content and an end tag

A list of commonly used Empty Elements:
            1.<meta />
            2.<link />
            3.<img />
            4.<br />
            5.<hr />
            6.<input />

The best practice in HTML Empty Elements is to always put a forward slash / sing before the greater the > sign.
In this way they are closed at their start tags.  


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