URL Specification

What is a URL?

URL is an acronym that stands for "Uniform Resource Locator",
although some people refer to it as a "Universal Resource Locator".
The simplest way to understand an URL is the address or location of something on the internet.For example, the URL of Wordpress Foundation's website is:

URLs are not just for website addresses,however.Anything that is connected to the internet with a fixed location, including things like FTP directories, use a URL.

The URL is also more that just an address. The way it is formatted indicates how to access it as well. All URLs have the following:

The protocol needed to access the resource (website,for example,always begin with "http");
The address or location of the website (this can be either the numeric IP address or the plaintext domain name);

The poret number (this is optional the standard port to access a website is 80); and The location of the resource (a page, a post, a file, etc.) in the server's directory structure.

The berners-Lee,the "godfather" of the internet, and his internet Engineering Task Force Group created the URL in 1994.

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